I was so happy to hear from Gracie's parents that they wanted to get her pictures taken again. She has become so lively and full of personality. I just love her smile!! The first picture is my favorite.
I am good friends with Eli's mommy so I asked if I could steal him from daycare to kick start his photoshoot. He is one of the happiest little boys. I got a big smile from him when I picked him up and he entertained me and my silly ideas. We had fun. I don't know exactly why but I love this first pic. I think it looks like it could be his senior portrait but he is only 9 months! He looks like a little man.
What a great day it was for pictures. We did some indoor shots than hopped into our cars to do an outdoor family session. I love the way these turned out. I especially love spending time with my boyfriend Bram. That is what I call him to get him to smile :) Isn't he handsome?
Did I mention I love Christmas? I love everything about it. I finally got my knit hats! Hailey was a great model and has gotten so big since the last time I saw her. She has the most expressive blue eyes. Enjoy!
Owen's sweet face melts my heart. He was such a good little boy for his pictures. Owen is on my First Year baby plan so you might recognize his face. I'm so lucky to capture these memories for his family. I love photographing babies!!
I had such a nice time with you guys. It was a perfect day aside from being a little chilly. Your kids were great and I think we got so many good images. Enjoy
Addison is 9 months already. It was just yesterday that she was my little guinea pig. She was my very first newborn shoot and I have learned so much since then. She is coming into her own and turning out to be quite the ham. I am really enjoying the experience of photographing babies from newborn and up. I look forward to these sessions and feel like I really get to know them. Enjoy!
Parker was a dream to photograph. What a good little boy he was. I was anxious about his shoot because he was already one month old which is that not newborn but not quite fully alert age. He zonked out as soon as I got there and let us do almost anything we wanted. I love love love the first picture. Going down as one of my top five I think. How precious is his big brother? Enjoy.
Hayden came to visit me on Halloween. I was so excited to see her and take her pictures again. I took her 1 year pictures and boy has she grown up. She is so spunky and full of personality. It reminds me of my little girl.