Landon reminded me so much of my daughter. He was strong willed and was just going to be a kid. That is the way I like them :) He was all boy and I had a fun time getting to know him. Enjoy this handsome little guy!
Stephanie is stunning. I had so much fun with her and her husband. They were great models and were really relaxed. I can't wait to meet their baby girl who is due in July. I have had a rash of boys lately and I love them all but I am definitely ready to break out all the girly stuff :)
I got to take Hailey's Newborn pictures and now she is ONE! I can't believe it... where does time go? She is such a sweet little girl with striking eyes. She brought her whole family with for some family shots and they are a good looking family:) It was fun to get outdoors for this shoot and try a new location. Enjoy!
Wedding season is here and I am so ready. I really love getting to take pictures of couples. Sue and Chris invited me to their ceremony location at the Watkins Manor and I loved it. I am so excited to photograph their wedding in October. They are a great couple and I have really enjoyed getting to know them. They are really photogenic and natural in front of the camera. Enjoy!
I was so excited when I got to Dominic's house. He was five weeks old and had great baby chub going on. I was in heaven. On top of that he was sleeping and let us do whatever we wanted with him. It really was a breeze and I am so excited to share these photos of him. Enjoy every roll :)