Bria came to me so full of beautiful smiles. All you had to do was give her a smile and she would return yours with an even bigger one. She really is one of the happiest babies I have seen. I adore everything about this little miss and hope that I get to see her in the future. Enjoy!
I loved my session with Miss Nora. I really think 6 months is one of the best ages. It was so nice to catch up with her and her parents. Enjoy this little beauty :0)
It made me so happy to see little Connor and his head full of hair. It reminded me of my son when he was born. He wasn't having much of the whole being naked for my pictures and sleeping thing but when he was being held he was a happy guy. He even liked wearing his jersey:)
Logan is such a little peanut. I couldn't get over how precious he was at his session. His mom and dad are going to have a bunch of fun stories to tell him when he is older about his very first portrait session. You wouldn't think that so much could come from such a little guy but you are wrong :) I had a great time getting to know him and his family. Enjoy!